
A Holiday Journal

Christmas is a-coming!
You can use your journal to capture precious Christmas moments, magical experiences, or frustrations, or disappointments! Some years we experience ALL of these things. Expectations are high, we are anticipating and planning with so much hope and sometimes it all works ...or NOT! What could be a nicer thing to hand down to your kids than a book filled with memories of Christmases past. Even if THEY don't want it..it will warm your heart to recollect years gone by when they are...gone by :-)

You might want to keep a separate journal for your Christmas memories.If you hit the stationary stores right now you will find Christmas journals with pretty pages all laid out for you.  Like this one. Or if you are a scrapbooker or artistic type you might like to buy a really nice new sketchbook with good paper (I suggest a heavier weight paper - 90 lb or more) Try out all your art supplies and make it colourful with stencils, paints, gold and silver pens and metallic paints. I just took a FREE lettering course given by Joanne Sharpe called Five Golden Letterings. That should give you some ideas to start with if you want to make your own book - just use her ideas in your sketchbook instead of on wrapping paper, gift bags etc.

Add a few pages of hand-written memories and some photos each year. Take a few moments each day to write about your plans, projects and preparations. Keep lists. Add your most favorite cards received and sent. It doesn't need to be a huge long story to bring those memories flooding back in future years.

Things to write about in your Christmas or holiday journal...

  • Traditions from when you were a kid  (Santa's whisker left on the cookie plate...watching the Queen speak before opening presents...)
  • Traditions you started with your kids and how they got started (pizza on Christmas eve -my youngest started it and never lets me forget!!)
  • People you saw at Christmas that you haven't seen for a long time...and memories about them (the family gatherings - where, when, what happened)
  • Memories of previous Christmases - My best Christmas ever (the year my grandpa wrote a book of his life and then ended up in the hospital because of a car accident - we almost lost him...the year my hubby and I went Christmas carolling inside an old covered bridge - hot apple cider, folks dressed like old fashioned carollers - snow falling :-)  )
  • Gifts given and received
  • Pictures of your collections and the stories behind them.
  • Games you played...movies you watched - your favorites on TV this year...
  • Who was at each celebration or party - what you talked about...be sure to take photos of your family and friends at Christmas
  • Your favorite Christmas carols and songs
  • Pageants, plays and concerts you attended that got you into the Christmas spirit
  • Your Christmas tree this year and all the ornaments - what memories are associated with your ornaments and Christmas decor. Include photos!!
  • The Christmas Dinner! Recipes you always use etc.
I'm sure you're getting the idea. 
You can jot down ideas on post its and take your time over this next couple of weeks writing by the light of the Christmas tree with a cup of hot tea or hot chocolate or apple cider. 
Memories are precious and fleeting...catch them while you can!

I want to hear about some of the things (general and specific) that you write about in your Christmas journal. I'm sure others will want to hear about those things too! I love to read your comments :-)

Just write...
Deb E


September!! New school supplies...

September!! The memories of brand new books, fresh sharpened pencils, new boxes of coloured pencils and the smell of Crayola crayons! Nothing makes you want to start writing more than the smell of NEW!

Why not treat yourself to a new writing journal and enjoy the feeling of September!! all over again!

Spend an afternoon browsing in your local Staples or Indigo and find yourself a new journal to fill with words, words, words...

While you're at it... why not reminisce about first days at school
Write away!


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