
Bullet Journals

Who doesn't want to be more organized!!! Do you find yourself forgetting details? 
Do you ever forget to journal when you're busy or stressed ??? How do you catch up and keep track of details?

I was doing some web surfing last week because I was thinking about how to keep MANY projects spinning in the air at the same time....and I discovered some blogs about Bullet Journaling

Bullet journaling is done in various ways  but most people use bullet points and checklists to keep track of all the routines they want to accomplish each week as well as details they want to remember. Bujo's as they are called are very good for keeping yourself on track when you are trying to start a new habit!  LIKE journaling!! Make a calendar or checklist and keep track of how often you write.

On the first page of a bullet journal  you keep an index - which is a good idea for ANY journal. You write a list of  topics you wrote about in your journal - a quick list so it saves time trying to find something that you might want to refer to later.

Then you have a monthly spread (2 pages). On the left side you put the numbers from 1 to 31. Then you write a simple few words about what your major events were or what you are planning on the corresponding line to the date. 
On the right page, you write a list of To Dos for the month and major goals you are working on that month. 

Next comes your daily pages. On the left page - write down today's date. Write a list of things to do today - your menu - your cleaning schedule etc. It's helpful here to look at the links below to see photos of how people design their Bujo's. 

You don't have to start a new page for each date, just draw a line - fancy it up with some zentangle doodles or washi tape - and then write down the next day's date.

The next page you can start listing anything you want to keep track of.
Keep track of weight goals, exercise, meds you take, blood glucose, books you read, recipes, grocery lists, Bible reading plans, steps for projects you want to undertake etc. 

Here are some links;

A video  – This is from Ryder Carroll who started Bullet Journaling. He uses his bullet journal (which has grid paper) as a planner but many of these ideas can be incorporated into any kind of journal. 
I think it’s neat to have a single page that has an outline of all the major things you did that month!! You can look back and review really quickly.
There is a whole list in the left sidebar to read that explains his system for planning
He has separate notebook pages to show what he’s talking about in the right column.

A Blog to read 
This is a blog written by Kate who expanded on what Ryan did in the previous video

A Blog post that shows where she changes how she does it   (sounds like the rest of us eh???)

You Tube videos 
Mrs Modest Amanda
Hailey Cairo

There are lots of other you tube videos about bullet journals – you’ll have to weed through them – But I think Bujo's would be great if you wrote down a simple list of major things you did each day - in case you don’t get a lot of time to journal. Then you can always look back and see what happened and late go back to add a few words to your journal when you DO have time to sit down to write!

The key to USING these journals is probably to keep them out and accessible – on the kitchen counter or table. Its easy that way to quickly jot down a word or two to jog your memory. 

Google “Bullet Journal” and look at the images…some of the journal pages have washi tape and stickers on them.  I think it looks much prettier and maybe will encourage us all to “pretty up our journals and use them more”  
I’ve found washi tape at Michaels (and other craft stores) and at Staples and WalMart
It’s usually around $2.99 for a roll and they last quite a while.

You can also search on Pinterest for “Bullet Journal” to see a whole lot of pages which will give you inspiration for how you can use this type of journal.
I’m on pinterest and I think I will have a board on Bullet Journal pages if you want to follow me 

There is even a Bullet Journal Facebook page

Enjoy exploring and Happy Journaling!

Deb E


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