It seems impossible to me that his childhood is behind him, he has babies of his own now and he is spending lots of time holding them and watching them grow. Life has a way of flowing swiftly by us when we weren't paying attention doesn't it?
That's why a journal comes in so handy. I certainly can't remember all the details surrounding his birth and growing up years until I read back in my journal. Then those early sweet mommy memories come flooding back and for a few minutes I'm transported back any number of years to recall the amazement, the wonder, the pride and joy my first baby boy brought with him.
I hope you will be challenged to record today what you wish to recall in 35 years. Make enough time to recall all the details you will want to remember years from now. Don't skip a think you will remember but I can tell you that you will forget most of it - unless you write it down. Some of the details would have been forever erased in my memory if I hadn't written them down in my journal years ago!
I plan to go into the photo albums and digitize his baby photos with the new photo app I got recently. And I will send him those amazing photos that will show him a bit of the wonder...And maybe send him a copy of some of the things I wrote way back then.
I can write more things now that I remember after I look at the photos - since I really didn't write much that day...but I still do remember some precious moments that I didn't capture in writing. It's never too late.
What are you remembering today - or this past week?
Catch those memories before they float away!
Happy writing
Deb E