
Want to Start a Journal this year?

 Around about this time every year, people everywhere think about how things will be different next year. One of the new practices people start at the beginning of a new year is journal writing. What is a journal? Just a book. It can be blank, have lines, have dot grids. It can be plain like a composition book or pretty with a hard or soft cover, or fancy like a leather bound notebook. This is a picture of my journal for this year above. I like to write by hand but I also have a program on my computer, and a digital journal on my ipad that I write in with my apple pencil. 

Whatever book or software you choose, it will hold all your secret thoughts for this year. All you secret plans. And all your memories. You are the author. You put in your journal whatever you choose. There are NO RULES. Not grammar, not neatness. You can draw, or stamp, or practice calligraphy or handwriting in your journal if you like. You can write prayers, or things you learn about, or memories of your grandkids or your romance with your spouse. You can record what you talked about on phone calls with friends. 

You can explore all the good and bad experiences of your life - and your journal will help you process your rants and angry words you wish you could say...if you weren't so polite. You can keep it all or tear out a page or two if you want - but I never tear it up myself. I write a little disclaimer to whoever might read my journal in future years saying that I am a work in progress. I often write how I'm feeling in the moment I'm writing. The next moment I might have changed my mind. I write so I don't wreck a relationship. If you read something negative in here about yourself, that was in a moment of heat. Not necessarily how I feel all the time about you. I processed it and moved on... OR you can write a note about respecting your privacy and burning your journals when you die. It's your book - you do you!!!

How to get started?

Open the book. Pick up a pen and write. Write about your day yesterday. Write about decisions you need to make - pros and cons. Write about your friends Write about your enemies. Write about your children's funny moments. Write about your grandkids and how precious they are. Write about your spouse - how much you appreciate and love them. How you resolve to make life better with them. Write about all the funny stories of your past - especially at this time of year - Christmases in the past. Write about how life changed this year - the year of the Covid pandemic. Write about how you wish things would change. Write about What I Wish for this coming year. Write a little or a lot.

Then join our group Journal Keepers and get more writing prompts each day to keep you writing your neat experiences and your totally awesome thoughts every day throughout the year. 

OH YES! You don't just have to write. You can add doodles and paintings and stickers and pretty things and copied poetry and pictures and whatever it is that floats your boat!! NO RULES remember?? Only what you want to put in it. It will be whatever you make it. 

Do it your way and come join in the fun with the Journal Keeper FB group adventure this year.


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