
A lesson from Anne Frank...

"I want to write, but more than that, I want to bring out all kinds of things that lie buried deep in my heart."  Anne Frank

If you've never read The Diary of Anne Frank you should. It's the story of a young girl hidden away from the Nazis during WWII. Writing gave her a way to express her thoughts about her life at that time. We are still reading this young girl's diary years and years after she has passed away and learning that she was not so different from you and I.

You will find as you write down your thoughts that more and more comes flooding up from the well of thoughts and feelings inside of you. Like a spider does, you pull out longer and longer thread to spin your web of thoughts. Some things may surprise you - you didn't know you thought that! Some things you might like to hide from - honesty can be brutally painful at times. As your pen moves across the page it stirs up more thoughts, more emotions than you ever knew could have been buried beneath the initial surface chicken scratch on your journal page

After you learn to let go and write down whatever comes to mind you will find yourself making discoveries - making connections - making sense of your circumstances, your emotions and your thoughts. Find out what's buried in your heart and excavate it using a pen - or a computer keyboard. Whatever it is, get past the mere writing and discover what lies hidden in your own heart. Prepare to be surprised...and delighted...and provoked.

Keep writing,

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