
A sense of possibility...

"In the private spaces of your journal, a genuine sense of possibility is renewed with every blank page."
Stephanie Dowrick p 2 Creative  Journal Writing

Do you remember September school days? The new blank books that still smelled like printer's ink? The new pens with fresh blue ink? Decorating a new cover - writing your name and the subject on the front? Stacking them all very, very neatly in your new desk?

There's something inspiring and exciting about a new book - or a new white page.

Anne of Green Gables said "Tomorrow is a blank slate with nothing written on it yet."
Each new day can be the same in your journal. Some people are put off and intimidated by a blank page...Learn to savour it! Look forward to filling every page in your book.

Do you come to your journal excited to write on every new blank page?
Sometimes all it takes is a new perspective to make it enjoyable again...

What do you think about when you see a new blank page to write on in your journal?

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