
Capture the moments of beauty...

Oh Look!!! The first crocuses are up!
Look at these gorgeous flowers <3 <3
and my hubby is all about
cute little critters for Valentines
This rainbow is so beautiful after a day of rain...

Capture moments of beauty in your journal.

The internet these days is all about photos - visual beauty portrayed through digital photography. Even if you're not a bonafide photographer - if you have a smart phone you have a camera on you all.the.time! Use your photos to beautify your journal. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Some things cannot be described adequately in words. A photo will instantly bring back the astounding moments of beauty in the everyday-ness of life. As an artist, I find these beautiful moments move me emotionally and trigger creativity in my soul.
There's nothing I like more than to go out with my camera or my sketchbook and try to capture the beauty all around me. It inspires me creatively and enriches my memories of moments in my day when I come upon something so pretty I have to get my phone out and snap a pic.

I keep a journal in handwriting but I also keep a computer journal. Either way, you can add photos of beauty into your journal. Some people will sketch the scene - some people might take a photo and print it out to paste in their book - and some will copy the photo into their journal and then use words to describe the situation or the place or the event that captured their imagination.

What's in your home? Your yard? Your neighbourhood? Your city? What can you find that inspires you, that you admire? Photograph it and keep it in your journal to make pages you love to look at again and again.

Post some photos that have inspired you this week on our FB groups
Journal Keepers
Christian Journal Keepers

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