
An enjoyable form of writing

Journal writing is the most enjoyable form of writing.

You don't have to write for anyone else in the world - only for yourself !
You can write with no deadlines - no rules - anyplace you want to write.
It's solitary...
You can totally be who you are on the pages of your journal...
No pretending - no masks.
It's relaxing and very therapeutic. If you felt anxious before you sat down to write, you will feel less anxious when you are done - usually!
If you felt overwhelmed, you will notice that as you write, issues start sorting themselves out and you find a plan of action...
Journal writing brings peace to your soul...

How to make it more enjoyable

Find a place

A quiet comfy place at home
A restaurant with the sound of chatter in the background
A park surrounded by the sounds of nature or children at play
At the beach with the sound of waves lapping on the sand
At the kitchen table with the smell of supper cooking.

It's portable! You can write in your very favourite places in the world.

Treat yourself to comfort

A lovely book and a pen exclusively for writing
Add soft music and a scented candle
Hot tea or coffee or hot chocolate with whipped cream made at home or by your favourite barista
Curled up on the couch or in your favourite chair close to the window with a cozy afghan, and favourite snack - light instrumental music in the background to draw you into the flow...
Instant atmosphere

Do it your way
An exclusive leather binding with creamy silky pages and a fountain pen
A composition book with blue lines and a ball point pen
An artist's sketchbook with blank pages, coloured pens and calligraphy markers
Paints, stencils and stamps
Instant creative outlet

Pick a writing prompt if you need it or just write whatever you are thinking about in this moment. Let your innermost thoughts pour out onto the page
Describe your setting
Write it as a letter to yourself - your spouse or as a prayer to God.
Free yourself from perfectionism - from spelling and grammar rules.

Share how you make your journal writing time more enjoyable than it already is...

Instant reflective time
Instant alone time

And write...

What are YOU thinking about?

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