
My journals...

There are many reasons why you might be writing.
There might be a list of things you would like to write about and keep track of in a journal.
The question is...should you start a new journal for each topic you want to track.
Some of those topics might be important enough to you that you might like to keep your entries in a separate journal - so you can keep a regular record of progress or learning about that specific topic. We will talk about some of those kinds of journals over the next few days...

Over the years, I have had many "types" of journals that pertained to specific topics or goals I wanted to keep track of. Be aware though, that the more specific types of journals you start, the harder it is to keep current in each one. It might be better to just keep it all in one journal if you are new to journaling and haven't yet had time to establish a wonderful habit of writing each day.

Currently, I have a journal for daily events. I purchase a two page per day planner system each year. I like to get a different pattern each year. One year florals, the next landscape pictures, the next year a painted design on each page. I plan on the left side, and journal about what I accomplished on the right side.
This serves as a quick jotted down record of what I did, what my kids and husband did each day and sometimes I have room to make notes about a conversation with a close friend or relative. This journal I don't write in every day - it's often in point form and I "catch up" every few days - as often as I can. Looking back on this journal helps me to remember the exact details even if I only jot down a word or two. It all comes flooding back when I review it. A great way to keep memories you don't want to forget. Sometimes I 'll add pages and write about something in more detail.

I also have a Spiritual Journal. I would say this is my MAIN journal but it's not complete without my planner journal that records my daily parade of events. I take notes in this journal about my thoughts as I read my Bible, pray and read devotional books in my Quiet Time with God each day. Often I will write about things I'm concerned about or things that are bugging me in this journal. I pray about these things and ask God to help me find solutions. I actually write out my prayers- it helps me to keep focused - and keep track of how these prayers are answered. I often end up writing about goals and plans in this journal too - since I try to pray about how to tackle these also. I write lists of what I'm thankful for, quotes from famous people, and Bible verses that are "speaking to me" each day.

At times, I have had a journal where I write about plans and brainstorm ideas for the various business ideas I have. I call it my Creativity Journal. Anything and everything else gets written about in this journal! I'm an artist (I have taught painting classes), I have sold things, I have taught online classes and various other enterprises over the years. I write about sales and marketing plans I want to try, I keep track of online searches for information and reference materials. After reading 'The Artist's Way" and "Creative Call' - books on the creative process - I started keeping my morning pages in this journal. Morning pages are "freewriting" sessions about anything and everything that's on your mind. (more about morning pages and freewriting another day...) I brainstorm lists of things I have to get done or that I want to do. I take notes when I read a motivational book that helps me think about my business in a new and different way. Lately, because of health issues I have been doing a lot of reading about hormones, diet changes, vitamins and minerals your body needs, etc. I am starting to keep enough notes about this that I might transfer them to a new journal where I just keep those kinds of ideas... Again - I caution you about starting too many new types of journals since it's hard to keep up with more than one or two at a time on a regular basis (unless you want to write all day long, of course!) I tend to write in this journal when I really need to get my business things organized - or when I'm very busy and need to get it all on paper where I can see it and cross it off as I accomplish it! Or when I need some motivation and inspiration to keep working on my various enterprises. Or when I'm learning about new things and doing a lot of research on a topic.

I have found that if I want to track a particular theme in my journal - then I will colour code it by using a highlighter pen (I usually draw a line down the margin beside the section) or else I will draw a line around a section of writing to make it stand out from the rest of the page. Or I will write the subject at the top of the page and highlight it to make it stand out.

My advice to new journalers is to keep as much as possible in ONE journal. Work out your own colour coding and mark various themes with specific colours. Then if you get a lot of one colour, then start a separate journal just for that topic. Otherwise, keep it all in one place...less chance of losing that journal and more chance of actually making entries often enough that it actually makes a difference and helps you keep track or plan.

The next few days we will talk about different specific types of journals you might like to keep. Or topics you might want to keep in your single journal...

In the meantime, make a new list of things you might want to write about in your journal.

  • What do you want to keep track of?
  • What are your main interests right now?
  • What are you learning about?
  • What are you planning?
  • What are you praying about?
  • What have you learned about or researched recently?

Pick one and....

Just write!
Deb E

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