
Types of Journals - Gardening

This is the perfect time to start a gardening journal!!
Even though the leaves are falling and the weather is turning colder, you can still enjoy gardening all throughout the dead of winter!

It's the time to write about last years' successes and failures.
What did you plant?
How was the yield?
Did the flowers produce like you hoped they would?
What were the specific botanical names of the varieties you planted.
Where did you purchase the seeds or plants?
Do you have photos? or pictures?
What were your favorites this year?

Then it's time to send for new seed catalogues and order seeds for next year.
Cut out photos and paste in your journal
Draw your garden plans - dream about what your gardens will look like next year!
Map out your garden

Do you have indoor plants?
Take photos and look up information about how to grow the best specimens!
Watering, light, pruning, tips etc....
Jot it all down in your journal where you can find it.

Do some research on the best way to treat the plants you are going to have next spring?
Plan, dream and enjoy armchair gardening :-)

When spring comes - keep track of planting dates
Keep track of harvest dates for your veggies
Keep track of recipes for homemade preserves!

So many ways to enjoy your garden journal all year round

Any other ideas????? Please commnt :-)

Deb E

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