
What MY journals look like...

As I wrote before... I started out using spiral bound notebooks. But I had so many things I wanted to add into my journal - and I was already using a planner binder, so I started using the same binder for my journaling pages.  I have binders that are about the same size as the smaller 3 or 5 subject school notebooks commonly found in the stationery stores. I rip the paper out of the spiral binding and I cut off the top margin. Then I use a smaller sized 6 hole punch and punch the paper so it will go in my planner binder. It's less expensive than purchasing the already packaged binder paper that is the size of my planner. I write a LOT...Every once in a while I prepare the pages - it just takes a few minutes.

I don't carry my planner with me everywhere I go anymore... but I used to. I would write in my planner in the journal section and regularly transfer the pages to my journal storage binder. I started off having just one fat storage binder (3" rings) per year, but now I normally have 2. I still keep blank pages to write on in my planner and sometimes that's what I'll take to the coffee shop with me to write in...then I just transfer the pages to the binder when I get home.

My main problem with the binders is that after 30 years you have a lot of them sitting around. Small house... no storage space left... where do the binders go so they won't get all dusty and be subjected to the ravages of humidity and any insects that DARE to enter my castle!   :-/

I just got a new TV cabinet (used - from a friend) and it has some shelves with a glass door. Since the binders are black, and the shelves deep, I've put them in there. They will be protected AND accessible. I can always put some photos in frames or something in front of the storage binders to make it look pretty. :-) It's a lot better than having them stacked under a desk - that's where they've been for quite a few years already... (I have more than what's in the photo!!)

I'm gradually going through the old journals and typing the entries into my computer journaling program. I don't think I'll transfer everything since some of it is unimportant and junky writing that I can't even remember what I meant when I wrote it...But, obviously, I can't keep on collecting storage binders since I AM going to run out of space again...

I still will not give up writing by hand though. I love the feel of the pen sliding across the paper and the slowness of the thinking process as I decide how to word what is pouring out of my heart.

Using a computer journaling program means that I can search for entries, I can tag my entries and I can find what I'm looking for more quickly than if I have to search through pages of handwritten journals. You can now have more than one page per day so I can incorporate my Daily Events journal along with my Spiritual Journal and still keep them as separate entries but tied together. I'm starting with the most recent writing and typing while I watch TV at night. I'll work my way back in time and eventually I'll be able to condense the size of my storage and retrieval system. AND I'm making sure I back up my files to my external hard drive as well as to DVD discs. I wouldn't want to lose all those memories!!!

The great thing about the computer journaling program I'm using is that I can add my photos to it if I want - or scan some of my handwritten pages and insert them. It takes up MUCH less space and I'm journaling half in my computer program and half in my handwritten journals these days. I find that I can type faster than I can handwrite so I'm definitely writing more. Best of both worlds!

I love The Journal by David R Michael. He's the BEST at keeping his software fresh and bug-free. He has a great support system and quickly answers any questions you might have about how to do something you want to do. I've downloaded several of the journal programs out there for free trials and while they all have a wonderful variety of options, I've found that this program fits me the best :-)

Why not explore your options?

I have a friend who uses a Rollabind system. She makes her own spiral bound journals.
I have other friends who purchase pre-made journals with beautiful covers. I use those too for some types of writing. They are handy and portable enough to fit in your purse (if it's big like mine!) and take with you so you can jot down things you are thinking about wherever your are, at any time of day or night :-)
Experiment....you can always try something new later...
Go shopping and see what you can find. But whatever you do...

Just write!
Deb E

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