
Types of journals - Health journals

We've had some health issues this year and are trying to start to eat healthier.
Not that we ate bad before, but sometimes you just have to learn to eat differently than you have been doing.
There are so many diets, there are so many health and nutrition books, magazines and online articles - It's really hard to remember where you read what and exactly what all those different vitamins will do to your body...

There are many reasons you might need to, or want to keep a health journal. Perhaps you're trying to control your weight. Maybe you or your children have health problems that mean that you have to collect some new habits of eating and new recipes. Maybe you have been told you have to cut out this or that - or include some exercise routines into your week or keep track of medications. All of these are things that can be tracked in a Health journal.

Rather than keeping all the handouts from the doctor in a folder, why not start a journal where you will collect all the new information you are learning. There is a proverb that says, "The faintest ink is better than the weakest memory." This is certainly true if you have had to deal with health issues for some years. Write it down and record your journey toward health and wholeness.

I have been reading some different health magazines recently and have started keeping track of the tips and information in a journal. There are so many vitamins and minerals that effect how your body functions. It's confusing unless you can somehow collect and organize this information - especially if you haven't been in the habit of watching out for these things. When I record information when I'm researching, I can find the information again when I want to look it up again.

I've been writing down new recipes using our new diet requirements. Keep track of what tastes great and what doesn't work! Keep track of what we eat - and how much if I want to. Keep track of symptoms and watch for patterns or progress.

If you're going to the gym, write down your weight goals and what you are doing to reach them. Write about your successes and disappointments. Writing about your intentions can keep you motivated. It can reinforce your determination to persevere until you win!

Decide today if there are some things you would like to journal about concerning your health and physical well-being. Will you include it in your normal journaling pages, or will you start a specific journal where you keep the information that will help you feel better and maybe even live longer. :-)

Just write!
Deb E

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