So now we get to the WHEN and the How Often questions...
If you are going to cultivate the good habit of journal writing, you will want to decide if you can write every day (which is a great idea)...or do you only think you can write every other day... or once a week or less.
If you only want to write occasionally - don't set a regular time to journal. Just pull your journal and pen out when you think of it...which I guarantee you will be less and less often as time goes on.
If you want to reap the best results though, you should consider making journal writing a brand new, wonderful habit that will continue throughout your whole life. That's how you will really reap the benefit of journaling.
When I started journaling, I used to sit down in the morning with my cup of tea before I went to work and write about whatever I was thinking about that morning. My writing was full of references to the events of the past day. I wrote about what I had read in my Bible reading that morning, I wrote about plans for this brand new day I was going to be living. I sipped my hot tea in the golden rays of the early morning sunlight slanting through my kitchen window, and started my day off right... Relaxing, getting grounded spiritually and emotionally - ready for whatever life would throw at me this day...
Later, when life was busy and babies got me up before I could get my tea poured and journal written in, I moved my journal writing time to the evening - before bed. I would sit down after the house was relatively quiet, light a candle, pull out my journal and write out my prayers and memories about the day that had just passed. Reflecting and writing at night was very soothing to jangled nerves and I found it helped me put to bed all my jumbled thoughts so I could then relax and drift off to sleep quickly instead of worrying or thinking about all of life's responsibilities that had to be accomplished tomorrow.
Day is done...gone the sun,,,,from the lakes, from the hills, from the skies...all is well...safely rest....God is nigh...Thanks for the day, God! Those days are wonderful memories safely tucked away just like my sleeping children were...
Find a regular time that works for you, that you will be able to set aside to savor your days. Make it a comforting time - a favorite drink, soothing music, the ambiance of a candle or two as you write....
There's no better way to start or to end your day! A few minutes of reflective quiet time does the soul good!
So, find a time that's right for you. Set the "atmosphere" and...
Just write!
Deb E
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