
Where to write...

My husband bought me a rocking chair when my first baby was born. It's made of oak and fashioned by Mennonite woodworkers in a local community near where I live. It has a big thick pad on the seat for comfort, and a hand-knitted afghan for padding hanging on the back. I remember being awake in the wee small hours of the morning, nursing my babies in this rocking chair while the rest of the house slept ...
It's one of the most necessary things that I would try to save if there was ever a fire in my house!
I often sit in my rocker to write in my journal. With notebook open on my lap, I will rock and write, rock and write...

Or right now, I'm sitting on my comfy couch. It's my favorite colour of pale green blue with flowers of pink, blue and apricot all over. My feet are up, and my back is leaning on the arm rest behind me. The sun is pouring in the front window, and as the rest of the world goes by while I sit in comfort, typing my thoughts and capturing memories...

My favorite place though, is in the warmth of my kitchen, seated at my kitchen table. At night I light a pale blue candle that sits on a frosted dish filled with opalescent stones around the base. In the morning when I write, I can look out my patio door and watch the birds fight over seeds at the feeders in my back yard. I let the dog out so he can chase the squirrels away. I enjoy the changing colours of the changing seasons  - multicoloured flowers in the summer, gold and red leaves in the autumn, frost and snow in the winter, and the bright yellows and greens of the springtime.

Anywhere I'm comfortable works for me...

I sometimes even take my journal to the park and write at a picnic table under a shady tree. Or at the coffee shop with people visiting and students working on computers all around me.

Find one or two special places of your own... and turn them into YOUR favorite writing places. Take some writing time today to describe in detail what you like about the place where you have chosen to write. Take a picture...add it to your journal. Make it your journaling home and....

Just write!
Deb E

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