
What to write.....

So, you're sitting down with your new notebook open, pen in hand and you're wondering...NOW WHAT???
What should I write about today?

First write the date (and time of day and the place you are - if you like) Month, day and year
30 years from now you will want to know WHEN you wrote this entry.

Let's start by brainstorming in your journal - which is a great thing to do with it :-)
Answer these questions....

  • Why did you decide you want to keep a journal? 
  • Who will read it? Will it be for your eyes alone? or are you leaving it as a legacy for someone?
  • What topics do you want to include in it?

Take 15 minutes now and write...

I started my journal to keep track of daily events in my life, for my own benefit. I didn't really think that I'd be keeping track of things for my kids since I had none at the beginning. As time went on though, I had 3 boys and I decided one of the very important things I wanted to keep track of was keeping a record of some of the  funny things they did and said as they grew. I wanted to think about what I wanted to teach them, how I wanted to treat them and I wanted to record what I learned along the way about being a parent.Now they are all grown up, moved out and those days seem so LONG ago... Now I'm writing about being a grandma, a mother-in-law and learning how to keep in touch with my family over time...and distance.

I also wanted to write about what I was learning. I read a LOT! My husband tells me I inhale books! So I wanted to write about some of the new ideas I was learning about and keep track of my spiritual, emotional and mental growth over time. Some people might also want to keep track of their physical growth - or rather - their hopeful lack OF physical growth over the years LOL! (aka weight management journaling)

I wanted to keep track of my "daily parade of events" - a term coined by The Sidetracked Sisters, Pam Young and Peggy Jones   http://www.shesintouch.com/  I started reading their books about the same time I started journaling. Have fun exploring their website for ideas on homemaking that you might like to write about in your journal...I wrote a LOT about getting organized when I was a young journal writer and a new mom. A parade sounds fun and I sure wanted to keep track of the fun events in my life over the years. It makes for some continuing smiles in my old age!!  :-P

I wanted to write about my marriage, my close and extended family, my church family, and my friends. In re-reading my journals after 30 years I have discovered things that happened that I had forgotten ALL about! Journaling will help you preserve memories that are too precious and priceless to lose!

So get started writing your own list of precious, priceless topics that mean the most to you.... Pick one and ...

Just write!
Deb E

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