
Writing prompts....

There are lists and lists of questions online that are writing starter sentences called writing prompts. Some people like to use writing prompts to help them find writing topics.

There are prompts that draw out memories - for example - prompts about your family history. As you answer them, you are recording memories you might have from your childhood, or from your early marriage years. You might answer questions about your parent's stories or things you remember about your grandparents. There is more tucked away in the recesses and dark corners of your subconscious than you are aware of. As you answer these writing prompts - using the freewriting technique I wrote about yesterday, you will think of more and more memories that you had forgotten about. As you write the details using your five senses to describe what you remember, you will remember more and more details. It's all stored in that miraculous creation - your brain. Better than any computer, as you write, it will release more and more details. I'm SURE you will be surprised! I know I have been - over and over. As I write, I remember more to write about.

There are other prompts that will remind you to write about things you like, things you wonder about, things you hate, things you would like to do etc. etc. etc.
You could ALWAYS use writing prompts to generate ideas about what to write about from day to day, or you could choose to only use them occasionally. I rarely choose to write about prompts myself but I enjoy coming up with them for others to write about...

If you find your own ideas, your own imagination, and your own daily events seem to be getting stale and ho-hum, do an internet search for "writing prompts" and you will soon find something to get your pen moving again!!

Please feel free to add your comments and links to this blog and share some of your favorite writing prompt sites...

Pick one or two and ....

Just write!
Deb E

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