
Types of Journals - Reading Journal

People who like to write, usually like to read too.
My husband tells me I inhale books!
If you are like me, you might like to keep track of the books you read in your journal. Some people have a special journal specifically for recording their thoughts about books they read. Some people simply keep a list of the books they have read right in their normal journal.

Here are some suggestions for keeping a reading journal if you'd like to go a little deeper than a simple list...
  • If you don't have a separate reading journal, keep your reading records in a dedicated section of your journal - maybe at the back. 
  • Photocopy the cover (or find it in a book catalogue or brochure or print a picture from an online store) and glue it in your journal.
  • If you can find photos of the characters in your book - paste them in - or draw your own.
  • Write down the date you started and the date you finished reading - or why you didn't finish...
  • Make a note about where you got the book from. Was it a present? A special treat you gave yourself? Did you purchase it new or at a used bookshop? Did you borrow it from a friend? Or from the library? (write down the call numbers and letters and which library)
  • Did someone recommend the book to you?
  • Write down a quick summary of the main storyline or the main ideas of the book.
  • Do you know anything about the author? 
  • What do you like about this author's style of writing? Anything you especially enjoyed?
  • Rate the book. Did you enjoy it? What did you enjoy most? What did you learn from the book?
  • Would you recommend it?
  • Who would you like to pass it on to?
As you can see, there are many things you might like to record about your book.
It's fun to look back at the end of the year and figure out how many books you read.

Some of my friends have a reading club where they take turns suggesting books. Everyone in the group reads the same book and then they get together regularly to talk about what they liked (or not).
Why not start a book club of your own? After the discussion, you could write about some of the topics you discussed together afterwards.

I have found that some books have had a profound effect on my life. Some authors have become my long-distance mentors. Reading has changed the way I think, the goals I have set for my life, and they have effected  relationships with friends, how I parented my children and loved my husband. Books have entertained me and distracted me temporarily from problems that had no solution at the moment. I have escaped to far-off places and experienced stories just as if I had actually been there...

So go grab a good book and start your reading journal!
Read ....and

Just write!
Deb E

PS - Do you keep a reading journal? or a record of what you have read? Tell us about what you do...


Glenda said...

Good morning, Deb!
I'm also an avid reader & have been eyeing a couple of different book journals that are formatted to record them, but haven't spent the money yet! Meanwhile I write down title, author & date finished so that I have a basic list. I've always planned on doing a more detailed record & this is exactly the motivation I need!I love the idea of printing a pic of the cover & plan to do so... in fact I may just get out one of my wonderful 25¢ comp books & 'just do it'!!Thanks for all your wonderful helps & ideas ~ I love your blog. A wonderful LORD'S day to you & your family!!
Love always,
"Read, write, pray, think"

Debbie Eckmier said...

Thanks Glenda! Glad you were inspired :-)
Deb E


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